Disclosure Policy
We strongly believe in clear and conspicuous disclosure and the principle of separating advertising from editorial content. Here’s what we do and who we work with:
Board.org is the community for people leading change at the world’s biggest companies. Here are the current members lists for our communities. Our members pay dues to participate. We also sell passes for our conferences. Board.org does not provide consulting or marketing services.
Stuff we receive: Occasionally, our friends and clients send us samples that we sometimes write about and share. In those instances, we clearly and conspicuously disclose that relationship. Other times, individuals or companies send us free samples after we’ve written about them — in which case any future mentions disclose this relationship. We repeat these disclosures at all reasonable opportunities, until the relationship between us and the company/product becomes clearly known to the average user.
Editorial Policy
All content on our websites is the work of the Board.org staff, except for specific posts that are credited to guest authors. Guest authors will be clearly identified in each post. Guest authors may have their own issues to disclose and we insist that they do so.
None of our sites serve as an official or unofficial communications vehicle for any other organization, and in no way does Board.org represent the views of its clients or members. Views in guest posts are the independent views of those authors.
We have a clear separation between editorial content and our paid work. Anything we write about that is related to our paid work will be clearly and conspicuously disclosed in the post.
Comments and Moderation
Our content and blogs are written in a spirit of openness and we encourage comments. When comments are open, we moderate them. We will remove all comments that are off-topic, spammy, overly self-promotional, abusive, inappropriate, or uncivil in any way.
Anonymous comments on our sites are likely to be moderated or deleted.
Disclosure is one of our core values. Feel free to debate or disagree with us, but please identify yourself (as we do here) so everyone’s agendas can be open for all readers to see. If you use an alias for privacy or security, you should clearly indicate any bias, agenda, or affiliation. Anonymity has an important role online, but it also empowers anyone who wants to be disruptive and destroy the conversation without making a real contribution. Disclosure forces people to be honest and to take responsibility for their own words.
All content on this site is copyright from 2000 to present by Board.org, all rights reserved. Please respect fair use and link back to this site and give us full credit for anything that you quote.
Board.org® and The Board®, including their corresponding logos, are trademarks of Board.org LLC.
Privacy and Email Policy
This is the privacy and email policy for all websites operated by Board.org.
Our postal address is: Board.org, 1235 East Blvd., Suite E#840, Charlotte, NC 28203.
Reach us by filling out this form or by calling 512-651-4800.
For each visitor to our website, our web server automatically recognizes only the consumer’s domain name (where possible), but not the email address.
We collect the domain name (but not the email address) of visitors to our website; the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email; the email addresses of those who make postings to our comment and discussion areas; aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit; and any information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information, form completion, and/or site registrations.
The information we collect is used for internal purposes only, to improve the content of our website, to follow-up on any requests, and track engagement. We store all the information we collect from you securely using encryption to prevent unauthorized access. The types of data we collect, like contact details, preferences, and usage information, are classified according to sensitivity to ensure they’re handled appropriately. We only retain data for as long as needed to fulfill its purpose or meet legal requirements. Data collected is not shared outside of Board.org and are kept private at all times and never released to outside parties.
If you supply us with your contact information you may receive updates by mail, email or phone from us with information on new products and services, important issues, or upcoming events. When you fill out a contact form or purchase products or services from us, we will use the information you provide to give you what you requested. We will occasionally share postal addresses or phone numbers with outside parties for carefully selected communications.
We never release, share, or sell email addresses. We only use email address for the specific purpose that is requested by the person who gives us their email address. If you subscribe to an email newsletter, you will receive that email newsletter and can unsubscribe at any time. If you use any of our tell-a-friend forms, we will only use the information provided one time to email your friend(s) and send a confirmation to you.
If you wish to be removed from any postal, email, phone, or other lists, please let us know by phone, mail, or using this form. Please provide us with your exact name, address, email, and phone. We will be sure your name is removed from the appropriate list immediately.
We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies. We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site.
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to our website to notify you of these changes and will provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check our website periodically.
Customers may prevent their information from being used for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected by contacting us.
Upon request we provide site visitors with access to contact information (e.g. name, address, phone number) that we maintain about them and a description of information that we maintain about them. Consumers can access this information and have this information corrected by sending us an email at the above address, calling us at the above telephone number, or by writing to us at the above address.
If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above address or phone number.